Liebster Award (I nominate you!)

Today I have another award video, it is the Liebster Award!!! Although I do have more than 1000 followers (There is a giveaway) which is against the Liebster rules, I still got nominated by two amazing bloggers; Rosalyn and Penny. Thanks so much to both of you for the nomination, keep doing the great job!


  • Each nominee must have under 1000 followers
  • Thank and link the nominating blog
  • Answer their 10 questions and propose 10 new ones for your nominees
  • Nominate 10 blogs and tell them they have been nominated (spread the love)
  • Write a post including all of the above and include the rules in the post

The Questions:

(Since I got nominated by two blogs, I will answer five from each)

What is your favorite season of the year?

I honestly find this question very hard to answer. I usually say winter because that is the season I’m born in and I love snow but lately, I’ve started hating it because it’s so cold! I love summer because of every aspect except for one little thing, bees! I am terrified of bees, I cannot stand them, they usually ruin a perfectly good and sunny day for me. So I guess the answer to this question would be summer (without bees)

What is your favorite drugstore beauty product?

Lately, I’ve been loving meybelline color tattoo eye shadows. They are so pigmented and come in a variety of beautiful colors!

Do you have pets?

At the moment I only have a gecko named Lizzie, but I used to have many more before. If you are interested, I talk more about these pets in my other award posts.

What is your favorite subject in school?

This may come as a surprise to some, but I love Science! I find most science subjects very interesting, I like understanding how things work and what they are made of. Although I hate physics, it bores me to death! I like biology a lot and have thought about going to med school a lot but decided not to because of the really long work hours.

What made you start blogging?

Honestly, I didn’t give it as much thought as some other bloggers. One of my friends was showing me her blog on tumblr and I thought it was cool, so I decided to give it a try as well! I ended up loving the blogisphere and positive community and people so I kept posting.

 Where is one place that you would definitely love to travel to in the world?

I’ve been to many places around the world but strangely enough I’ve never been to Paris. Since I’ve been learning french for over 4 years now, I would love to go to advance my speaking skills and see the charm of Paris for myself.

 What is your biggest fear?

Other than getting kidnapped and tortured… I think one of my great fears is the fear to not succeed. I lost many opportunities because I wasn’t sure of myself. Which is why now I try to push myself to try new things and seize any opportunity.

Do you have any secret talents? 

Honestly, no. I’m sad to admit but I don’t have any secret talents unless being double jointed and being able to do weird things with my arms counts…

 Describe your blog in three words.

Creative, Helpful, and New.

 Name two goals that you have for this year. 
One thing that I have been telling myself to do the past few years and hopefully will finally do this year, is to get fit and start running! I’m sure I’m not the only one that has this goal 😉 My second goal is to really up my photography game. I’m going to take some classes to hopefully learn how to take better pictures for the blog.

My Questions:

What made you start blogging?

What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?

How long have you been blogging for?

If you were stuck on an Island, what is the one thing you would take with you?

Do you have any pets?

What is one thing that most people are surprised to learn about you?

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Do you own more high-end or drugstore make-up?

What is your favorite nail polish brand?

What is your biggest achievement (at the moment)?

My Nominations:

I started searching and writing down blogs in this section but I realized that there were too many blogs I thought deserved this award. If you have a blog and have taken the time to write even one post, you deserve this award so I nominate YOU!

Thanks for reading, I look forward to reading your answers to my questions. If you do this post, please comment the link on this post so that I can check it out!

Previous posts:
To see posts right when they come out and to see more photos follow: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter| Tumblr Also make sure to like, comment, and share, it means a lot!

13 thoughts on “Liebster Award (I nominate you!)

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